Name for New Development at MMU in Didsbury Announced
The former MMU campus in Didsbury renamed

We are delighted to announce that our redevelopment of the former MMU campus in Didsbury will be called St. James Park.
The name reflects the area’s first recorded building, a small chapel that is noted in records back in 1236, and later became St James Church.
Didsbury grew up around the church and village green, alongside the smithy and the two pubs and in fact the ‘Didsbury St James Conservation Area’ has the greatest concentration of listed buildings in Manchester, outside the city centre.
Discussions with passionate and enthusiastic local historians confirmed that St James Park is an appropriate name for a development that will form a new heart for the village.The handsome facade of the Administration Building will be used for the distinctive logo.

This Development is Now Completed.
For Further Information About the Project Click the Button Below.